Sunday, June 26, 2011

Love Will Roll The Clouds Away - The Home Gate Quartet

Rocking On The Waves
Love Will Roll The Clouds Away
The Home Gate Quartet
Rose Records - Vandalia, Ohio
LPR 504

From the back cover: Playing rhythm guitar and singing lead is John Vaughn, singing alto his wife, Joyce, both from Somerset, Ky. Singing baritone is Carl Fiffe from West Liberty, Ky. Singing the bass is Alvin Collins from Harlan, Ky. Doing the recitation, Fank Pittman from Sunbright, Tenn. The quartet wished to take this opprotunity to thank Bro. Sidnet Bartram, from Dayton, Ohio for his musical talent in assisting un in the last two albums, also on personal appearances. Additional credit goes to Bill G. Mineer for playing Bass Guitar. "We think he did a wonderful job."

The group worked out of Dayton, Ohio.


  1. Nice speech worked into this song.

  2. Mark,
    Do you have ANY contact information on the members of this old Group? They came to our little country church in Packerton, IN many years ago and I dearly loved them. There is a particular song of theirs that I have been looking for for YEARS. It is called "In Some Way or Other, The Lord Will Provide". I would be so grateful if you might have any information that could help me track down the members of the group or that song.
    Pastor Glenn E Hall
    PO Box 176
    Pierceton, IN 46562

    1. Thank you for your interest Pastor Hall, but I do not have any additional information on this group. Perhaps someone with current contact info will find your question here and reply.

  3. Dear Mark,
    I have located this precious group, still in Dayton OH and still singing! I spoke with Joyce Vaughn, the mother of the group, and she is sending me a copy of the song I have been looking for. Your site got me at least on the right track. Thank you SO much for your blog and I am an new fan! May the Lord richly bless your work and your continued cataloging of these precious groups who labored for the Lord.

  4. Dear Mark,
    My name is David and over the past few months I have become enamored with all things Rose Records. I work in Vandalia OH where the label was based and live in Dayton. I get so excited when I come across Rose recording as I have enjoyed every one I have come across. I think it is important to try to preserve these recordings and share them with whoever is willing to listen. Do you ever sell these albums via an eBay store or what not? Love the blog, keep it up!

    1. Hello Dave: Thank you for your kind words. I live across the river, south of Cincinnati. The area has a history rich in what folks refer to as "southern" gospel. Covington, KY, was home to many folks who migrated from the mountains to the city, bringing their music with them. So there was enough work to keep the many small area recording concerns busy. As you've probably noticed, I've blogged a few records that appear to have been made in Dayton. I do not sell that records that you find here on ebay. The records I do not blog end up in local record stores... if they will take them. Mark

  5. Hi Mark. This blog just brought a tear to my eye, a good one. Sidney was my dad and oh how I miss him and the memories of traveling to churches is greater then gold to me. I'm currently listening to my son learning to play the electric guitar and praying Lord give him a double portion of talent. Just as my dad Sidney learned let my son learn too. I have real to reals I would like to get transferred to DVD. Oh how I wonder what practices may be on there of the Home Gate Quartet? As well as my dad? It's been many years since I've spoken and seen Joyce and John. Like long lost family. I'm on fb Bobbie Bartram Spaulding if you want to contact me. I still have the records too.
