Friday, November 23, 2012

Jim Fair Singers - Our Favorites

His Grace Is Sufficient For Me
Jim Fair Singers
Our Favorites
Artists Records - Cincinnati, Ohio


  1. I wonder if this is the same Jim Fair who recorded covers of hits for Gateway and Big 4 Hits, budget labels out of Cincinnati...

    1. I do recognize many studio musicians working at the time, but I don't recall Fair's name on other LPs I've collected.

  2. This is Jim Fair, Sr., the father of my good friend Jim Fair, Jr. who passed away this last year. I had the privilege of singing with Jim Fair Jr for over a decade. Amazing man. He told me stories of he and his father performing together when Jim was a boy. Somewhere around this house I have some recordings of Jim Fair Sr. that Jim Jr. wanted me to move to CD / mp3...

    Amazing memories..

    Craig Baucke
    Loveland, OH
