Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jesus, My Lover Divine

Full Album
Jesus, My Lover Divine
Wayne Dunn and George Hawthorn
Majestic Records WDST 104
Queen City Album - Cincinnati, Ohio

Jesus, My Lover Divine
Whispering Hope
Hold The Fort
In The Garden
He's The One
Let The Lower Lights Be Burning
Onward Christian Soldiers
Power In The Blood
Sweet Hour Of Prayer
At The Cross
Saviour, Lead Me Lest I Stray
Jesus Is Calling


  1. Now, you'd probably predict that the combination of two of the worst musical instruments of all time combined on a gospel instrumental would sound awful. And maybe you city folk will disagree with me. But as a hillbilly who grew up in a tarpaper shack, who didn't know water could pour from a pipe, who had only heard music from a comb and wax paper until he was 43 years old, I can say with no honesty at all that this music performed by Wayne and George is the most delightful and spiritual music I have ever heard.

  2. Mark- I wold like to get a copy of this? let me know.

  3. thank you Mark for posting the full album. appreciate it. will listen to it.
