Friday, March 9, 2012

The Blend Wrights - Let Down The Ladder

On My Way To Heaven
The Blendwrights
Let Down The Ladder
Savoy Record Company MG-14070

From the back cover: The Blend Wrights (as the name appears on the back cover, but is referred to online in instances as The Blendwrights) Trio, are all native Ohioans, born in Dayton, where they spent their early childhood. While still very young, the family moved away from the noise of the city to a home in the beautiful country side near the village of Germantown, Ohio. Here, in this peaceful environment, living close to nature, they worked, played, sang and prayed together under the guidance of Christian parents.

The Blend Wrights consisted of Eleanor, Erving and Audrey Wright.


  1. Please post more from this album. I believe there's one on here called "Didn't It Rain." If not this one, another Blend Wright album. But their music was great, and classic.

  2. Would you be able to also give a sample of the song "I dreamed I reached Heaven". This song is very nostalgic. I'm quite sure it would also lift the spirit within all hearers too. Thank You.

  3. I miss them! How much of the misic today talks about Christs' second coming.

  4. is there a sound track for the song," i dreamed i reached heaven" by the blend wright trio?
