Get Thee Behind Me Satan
Presenting The Portals
STEREO RIS 2419 / CS-7116
From the back cover: On this album you will be hearing the exciting "new sound" of the Portals Quartet. Manager and baritone Nelson Ball has combined the talents of Jim Williams, tenor; Don Blankenship, lead; Barry Miller, bass; and Bob Hiler on the piano to produce this refreshing new blend.
The Portals, working from the. Cincinnati Covington metropolitan areas as home base, carry their Gospel message in music to mid-America with enthusiasm and spiritual inspiration. They are finding an increasing demand for their soul- lifting songs at churches, schools, and civic auditoriums. This record album will introduce them to many new listeners and will provide many hours of wholesome entertainment and inspiration to their growing army of admirers.
I am happy to recommend this talented group to lovers of gospel music everywhere. Their songs will be a real blessing wherever they go. – "Whitey" Gleason
Just A Little While
Gret Thee Behind Me Satan
There's No Other Name
I Am A Pilgrim
Amazing Grace
Show Me Thy Ways
In The Upper Room
Lonesome Road
Without Him
There's A Light Guiding Me
Who Am I
Life's Railway