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Friday, July 27, 2012

Sharing - The Embers

I Heard The Voice Of Jesus
The Embers
Producer: Vic Clay Productions
Cover Art and Design: Brenda Baylor
Recorded: Cathedral Tele-Productions
Anchor Records No. 517

My Sins are Gone
Help Me
Isn't It A Pity
King Jesus
Haven Of Rest
It Won't Be Long
My Home Is In Heaven Above
Them Thousand Years 
I Heard The Voice Of Jesus
The Joy Of Knowing Jesus


  1. Oh Man, I love the seventies cop show background music! This would make a terrific theme song for a team of gospel singing crime fighters. Can't you just imagine a group of people dressed up in their Sunday best, singing into microphones, chasing criminals around vacant warehouses?! I can!

  2. The instrumental track is 70s, but the vocals are more like 1880s barbershop quartet. (Except for the horrible "take my yoke" chorus, which is pure contempo-hokum.)

    Dr. Possum has a great idea. Perfect action plot. Instead of Cop Rock, it could be Cop Gosp.
